PE forms an important part of our school curriculum and we are fortunate to have a large hall at St Giles’ which has a wide range of PE equipment such as mats, climbing frames and benches. PE in the hall will be either Dance or Gymnastics. We use the Val Sabin PE scheme to inform planning and ensure coverage and progression across the year groups.

Click here to see how the knowledge and skills progress from EYFS to Year 2.

We also have a large area outside, with a playground and field area. Outdoor sports include hockey, ball skills and cricket.

For an in depth understanding of the intent, implementation and impact of the P.E. curriculum at St. Giles’ click here

Click here to see how the Val Sabin lessons are linked to the National Curriculum aims and objectives in Key Stage One.

We have introduced a block of 10 swimming lessons for each year group each year (Year 2 – Autumn term, Year 1 – Spring term and Reception – Summer term). We use the swimming pool at Freemen’s school and the children are taught by qualified swimming instructors.

The children will experience two sessions of PE each week, including their swimming lesson.

Children are expected to wear full PE kit for these lessons. Please see our uniform guide as to what they are expected to wear.