As the Governing Body at St Giles’ we oversee and facilitate the strategic leadership of our school. Governors are drawn from the wider community of the school including parents, staff, the local churches and local authority. Each of us come from different walks of life and bring a range of skills which we use to play an active part in school life, visiting the school regularly and seeking to support the high standards the school sets for itself.

Our main focus is to support St Giles’ in these three core areas:

· ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction for our school

· holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of our school and its pupils

· overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

Along with ensuring the best possible education is being provided in a way that every child can succeed, we also have an important role to play in ensuring every child is kept safe and are well looked after. We continuously seek to ask the right questions as it’s our job to act as a ‘critical friend’: supporting the Headteacher and staff in their work to ensure the school continues to deliver an “outstanding” educational environment for our children.

The table attached below shows who our Governors are, some details of their tenure, their roles and responsibilities within the Governing Body and finally a tally of attendance at our regular (often monthly) meetings.